Friday, August 16, 2019


Age-related diseases are illnesses and conditions that occur more frequently in people as they get older, meaning age is a significant risk factor. According to David Hogan, gerontologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Calgary, examples of age-related diseases are:

1. Cardiovascular Disease: Heart disease is the number one killer in Nigeria, and among the leading causes of death in many other countries. The most common form is coronary artery disease, which involves a narrowing or blockage of the main arteries supplying the heart with blood. Obstructions can develop over time, or quickly - as in an acute rupture - and cause potentially fatal heart attacks.

2. Cerebrovascular Disease (Strokes): A stroke happens when blood stops flowing in one area of the brain because of a disruption in one of the blood vessels. It is very serious because brain cells deprived of oxygen in the blood begin to die very quickly.

There are two types of strokes. The most common is called an ischemic stroke, which occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel. The second type is called a hemorrhagic stroke and is caused when a blood vessel ruptures and bleeds in the brain.

Strokes can cause death or serious disability, depending on the location and severity of the blockage or rupture.

3. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension): Blood pressure is the force blood exerts on the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps. It's lower when you're sleeping or are at rest, and higher when you're stressed or excited — though it tends to rise generally with age. Chronically elevated blood pressure can cause serious problems for your heart, blood vessels, kidneys and other systems in the body.

4. Cancer: One of the biggest risk factors for many types of cancer, in which abnormal cells grow uncontrollably, is age. According to the American Cancer Society, 77% of all cancers are diagnosed in people over the age of 55. In Canada, cancer represents the leading cause of death for both men and women.

A number of types of cancer are more common as we age, including skin, breast, lung, colorectal, prostate, bladder, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, and stomach cancers.

5. Type 2 Diabetes: Diabetes is a disorder that disrupts the way your body uses glucose, or sugar, from the food it digests. In Type 1 diabetes, which typically begins in people under the age of 30, no insulin is produced. The far more common Type 2 diabetes involves sufficient insulin—but an acquired resistance to it—so glucose is not processed properly by the body. Both types of diabetes lead to blood sugar levels that are too high, which can lead to serious problems like heart attack, stroke, nerve damage, kidney failure, ​and blindness.

6. Parkinson's Disease: Named after the British physician who first described it in the early 1800s, this progressive neurological disorder causes tremors, stiffness, and halting movement. Three-quarters of all cases of Parkinson's Disease begin after the age of 60, though age is only one risk factor. Men are more likely than women to get PD, as are people with a family history of the disease—or those who've been exposed to certain chemical toxins. Head injuries may also play a role.

7. Dementia (Including Alzheimer's Disease): Characterized by a loss of brain functioning, dementia can manifest as memory loss, mood changes, confusion, difficulty communicating, or poor judgment. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia, but there are a number of other causes, including vascular dementia (due to impaired blood flow to the brain), Huntington's disease, and dementia associated with Parkinson's Disease. While the incidence of dementia increases with age, it is not considered a natural part of the aging process.

8. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) cannot be cured, but it can be treated, and perhaps more importantly, prevented. The condition is characterized by a reduction of airflow into and out of the lungs, thanks to inflammation in the airways, thickening of the lining of the lungs, and an over-production of mucus in the air tubes.

Symptoms include a worsening, chronic and productive cough, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

The main cause of COPD is chronic exposure to airborne irritants like tobacco smoke (either as a primary smoker or second-hand), occupational contaminants, or industrial pollution. Cigarette smoking remains the most significant risk factor.

9. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease and the most common form of arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs more commonly as people age, and it's more prevalent in women. Being obese or having had a prior joint injury also makes you more susceptible.

Characterized by swelling and pain in the joints, osteoarthritis cannot yet be cured, but it can be treated with pain-relieving or anti-inflammatory medications, as well as through lifestyle modifications like weight loss, exercise, and physiotherapy.

10. Osteoporosis: Also known as "brittle bone disease," osteoporosis is characterized by bone mass loss, which leads to thinning and weakening bones. It gets more common with age, especially in Caucasian and Asian women. Having osteopenia, or low bone density is also a risk factor. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, as many as half of all women over the age of 50—and a quarter of men in that age group—will break a bone because of osteoporosis. Bone breaks like hip fractures are a very serious problem for older adults, resulting in a loss of mobility, independence, and in about a quarter of all cases, death within a year of the injury.

11. Cataracts: A cataract is a progressive cloudiness in the lens of your eye, resulting from a number of factors, including exposure to ultraviolet light, smoking, and diabetes. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, half of all people over the age of 65 have some kind of cataract. Initially, you may not notice a cataract, but over time vision can become blurred and much reduced. Cataract surgery may be recommended to remove and replace the lens. Years ago, such surgery required several days' recovery in the hospital; now, it can be performed as an outpatient procedure, often in about an hour.

12. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common condition in adults over the age of 50, is the most common cause of blindness in older people. As the macula of the eye progressively deteriorates, so does a person's ability to see objects clearly in the center of his field of vision, though peripheral vision is usually preserved.

13. Hearing Loss: Hearing loss is common with advancing age, thanks to the deterioration of tiny hairs within your ear that help process sound. It can mean simple changes in hearing, too, such as having difficulty following a conversation in a noisy area, having trouble distinguishing certain consonants (especially in higher-pitched voices), certain sounds seeming louder than usual, and voices seeming muffled. Several factors in addition to age, such as chronic exposure to loud noises, smoking, and genetics, can affect how well you hear as you get older. About half of all people over the age of 70 have some degree of age-related hearing loss.

How Our Glutathione Level Can Help Prevent these diseases.
While aging itself is not a disease, it is a risk factor for these different conditions.

What is glutathione?
Apart from food, water and oxygen, the next most important molecule you need to live healthy, look younger and prevent age related diseases is called Glutathione (pronounced “gloota-thigh-own”). It is possible you’ve never heard of it before and or your doctor has never told you about it. This is probably because glutathione is not like vitamin c or other drugs that you can just pick up from the pharmacy shop.

Right from when we were in the primary school and post-primary school, we were taught that cells are the basic building blocks of life. Our body is actually made up of trillions of cells. A group of cells forms the tissue, a group of tissue forms the organ, the organs makes up the system and system form the body.

But, because of the fact that we are oxygen based organism, coupled with the kind of environment that we live in, every second of the day, our cells are under constant attack from germs, bacteria, viruses, pollution, toxins, sun exposure and oxidative stress. These attacks go on continually and they inflict severe damages to the cells which make the cells inactive or malfunction. In order for our body to be able to checkmate these violent and persistent attacks, we will need to have adequate amount of super antioxidant called Glutathione to help each of the cells fight and win the battle.

Medical scientists call it the ultimate cell protector or the master antioxidant. It is the body’s first line of defense and that is why your glutathione level determines how healthy you will live.

The bad news is that, once you are above age 21 your glutathione level begins to decrease. This leaves you susceptible to unrestrained cell disintegration and cell death caused by unrestrained oxidative stress, free radicals and toxins. Glutathione deficiency has been attributed to be the root cause of over 75 chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, hypertension, arthritis, poor sexual performance, dementia, etc.

Glutathione is also critical in helping our immune system do its job of fighting infections, taking away toxins and preventing cancer. That’s why studies show that it can help reduce the risk of rapid aging and all age-related diseases.

For many decades, the subject of glutathione has been the focus of most medical researchers. As at today, there are over 100,000 articles on glutathione published in pubmed (the USA official online library of medical research).

However, even though most of these medical scientists agreed that glutathione is the key to maintaining our cellular health, the greatest challenge has been on how to help raise this miracle molecule in our body. This is because; glutathione is not something that can be produced outside the body. This is where PROVIZION GSH (Bioblend and Bioavailable Glutathione) comes in. 200Mg of nano glutathione has been proven to  raise glutathione by 800 percent within 30 minutes of first use.


Provizion GSH Bioblend and Bioavailable Glutathione is based on the following 5-Core Sciences:

1. N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC): NAC is a proven precursor for the production of glutathione by our cells.

2. Bioavailable L-Glutathione (GSH)

3. Bioavailable S-Acetyl-glutathione (SAG)

4. Aloe Vera Mannose Acemannan

5. Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)

Synergistic Ingredients

1. Vitamin C

2. Vitamin E

3. Vitamin B-6

4. Vitamin B-7

5. Vitamin B-9

6. Vitamin B-12

7. Zinc Citrate

8. Selenium

9. L-Glutamine

10. N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine

11. L-Glycine

12. Quercetin

13. Alpha Lipoic Acid

14. Cordyceps

15. Milk Thistle

16. Magnesium Stearate

17. Silicon Dioxide

Are you concerned about your health and that of your relations? Empower your body to live healthier and age gracefully. Don’t wait until the case becomes that of emergency, prevention they say is always cheaper and better than cure. Again, most age-related diseases are usually chronic meaning the patient may likely die from such disease so, it is better to do prevent it in the first place.

To know more about PROVIZION GSH, contact me on:

TELEPHONE:         2348052833097, 2348033291724.

WHATSAPP:           2348033291724




“All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it.” (Paracelsus). One...